pressure trapping

英 [ˈpreʃə(r) ˈtræpɪŋ] 美 [ˈpreʃər ˈtræpɪŋ]




  1. Pressure trapping unloaders respond to the pressure in the system.
  2. There are two main types of unloaders used on pressure washing equipment, pressure trapping and flow actuated.
  3. His country is facing international pressure to spell out targets for taming greenhouse gas emissions, which are trapping more heat in the atmosphere and threatening dangerous climate change.
  4. Oil-trap results from the work principle of gear pump, and it directly influences the performance and lifespan of gear pump. Reducing pressure in trapping area is of great importance to enhance performance of gear pump.
  5. The formation temperature and pressure for trapping the fluid inclusions can be worked out by uniting other formulae and using the isochoric formula given the parameters ( a, b and c) for this density ( p) and salinity ( w).
  6. Subsequent tectonic activity resulted in the generation of accommodation spaces such as anticlines and faults, variations in pressure equilibrium conditions, and migration and trapping of ore forming fluids.
  7. Pressure features and trapping mechanism of deep basin gas pool
  8. The effect of the static pressure, velocity and carbon particle volume fraction distributing rules on filter regeneration was conducted. The comparison of the flow conditions and trapping efficiency in several operating conditions of ESC test cycle was analyzed.
  9. Particulate trap has three basic features: exhaust back pressure, trapping efficiency and regeneration properties.